Stay Informed and Stay Healthy
Common Myths About the Flu Shot
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Common Myths About the Flu Shot

Millions of people get the flu every year. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tells us everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu shot each year. There are still many myths about the flu shot, so we want to share the truth with you.

Online Pre-authorizations Now Live!
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Online Pre-authorizations Now Live!

It’s here! MCG Cite AutoAuth for online pre-authorization is now available through the My Account portal at!

Your Checklist for Healthy Tailgating
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Your Checklist for Healthy Tailgating

It’s football season – grab the grill, load the cooler, and head for the stadium! Did you know you can eat healthy and stay active while tailgating? It’s true! Use this checklist to plan ahead and keep your healthy habits from getting sidelined.

Countdown to Online Pre-authorizations!
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Countdown to Online Pre-authorizations!

We’re excited to announce that we will launch online pre-authorization via the MCG Cite AutoAuth module later this month

Vaccines – What Parents Should Know
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Vaccines – What Parents Should Know

Most parents see immunization as important for guarding their children’s health. However, some parents worry if vaccines are really safe. If you are a parent who shares this concern, here is what you should know.

Checklist for Your Child’s Healthy School Year
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Checklist for Your Child’s Healthy School Year

Back-to-school is such a busy time! If you are a parent of a school-age child, you probably have lists of school supplies, clothing and sports gear your child will need. But there’s more to think about. Youngsters also need to avoid missing school days due to sickness. That’s why we put together this handy checklist to help you prepare your child for a healthy year.

Online Pre-authorizations Coming Soon!
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Online Pre-authorizations Coming Soon!

We are proud to announce that we will soon launch a convenient new online pre-authorization tool. Automated pre-authorization via the MCG Cite AutoAuth module will be accessible through the My Account provider portal at

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Health Tips for a Quality Life: Watch Your Sweet Tooth

We all know Americans are eating and drinking too much added sugar. This habit can lead to weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If you are concerned about what sugar is doing to your health, here’s information you’ll want to consider.

Pack a Plan to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain
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Pack a Plan to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

Vacation brings a nice break from daily routine. Unfortunately, the vacation mindset can influence us to take a break from healthy diet and exercise. And once the weight goes on, most people don’t work it off. Doctors say that these small weight increases can lead to

Play It Safe this Summer
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Play It Safe this Summer

Summer brings many opportunities for outdoor fun! Warm days can include swimming, hiking, picnicking and playing ball. There are sightseeing vacations and backyard staycations. All of these good times are even better when we steer clear of accidents and illness. Before you head out the door, brush up on these safety tips to keep your summer safe and healthy.