Benefits of Quitting Smoking
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Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Did you know that quitting smoking can help most of the major parts of your body -- from your brain to your DNA? Here’s what’s affected and how.

Top Five Health Resolutions
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Top Five Health Resolutions

If you’ve resolved to make any of these five important changes, we have the healthy tips you need for success!

Getting Fit for the New Year
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Getting Fit for the New Year

Get in shape now to make this your best year ever!

Resolve to Eat Healthy This Year
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Resolve to Eat Healthy This Year

Change your eating habits for the better in 2018 with these easy-to-follow ideas.

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick
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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

The secret to success is in how you build your healthy new habits.

Give Yourself the Gift of Wellness
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Give Yourself the Gift of Wellness

It’s no fun to be sick during the holidays! Give the gift of wellness this year by remembering these easy ways for you and your family to stay healthy.

Your Checklist for Healthy Tailgating
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Your Checklist for Healthy Tailgating

It’s football season – grab the grill, load the cooler, and head for the stadium! Did you know you can eat healthy and stay active while tailgating? It’s true! Use this checklist to plan ahead and keep your healthy habits from getting sidelined.

Vaccines – What Parents Should Know
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Vaccines – What Parents Should Know

Most parents see immunization as important for guarding their children’s health. However, some parents worry if vaccines are really safe. If you are a parent who shares this concern, here is what you should know.

Checklist for Your Child’s Healthy School Year
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Checklist for Your Child’s Healthy School Year

Back-to-school is such a busy time! If you are a parent of a school-age child, you probably have lists of school supplies, clothing and sports gear your child will need. But there’s more to think about. Youngsters also need to avoid missing school days due to sickness. That’s why we put together this handy checklist to help you prepare your child for a healthy year.

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Health Tips for a Quality Life: Watch Your Sweet Tooth

We all know Americans are eating and drinking too much added sugar. This habit can lead to weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If you are concerned about what sugar is doing to your health, here’s information you’ll want to consider.