Facts About Smokeless Tobacco
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Facts About Smokeless Tobacco

Cigarettes are not the only way to consume tobacco. And they’re not the only way to become addicted. The more you know about smokeless tobacco, the more you’ll understand the risks.

Spring Event Child Safety Tips
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Spring Event Child Safety Tips

Spring is a great time for the whole family to attend outdoor festivals and local events like Springfest. Get ready by prepping yourself and your child with basic safety rules and precautions. Make this year's events memorable by having fun and staying safe!

Energy Drinks — a Quick Boost? Or a Health Bust?
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Energy Drinks — a Quick Boost? Or a Health Bust?

Energy drinks are popular aides to get you through a busy day. But these caffeine-loaded beverages can do more harm than good.

Sleep Well for Good Health
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Sleep Well for Good Health

A lack of sleep is linked to many diseases and conditions, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression. Learn how much sleep is needed for every stage of life, and what you can do to help get enough quality sleep.

Overhaul Your Health with Seven Simple Steps
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Overhaul Your Health with Seven Simple Steps

Ready to improve your health? Here are seven small changes that can lead to big results, especially when you take each one at your own pace.

Get in the Race for Better Health
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Get in the Race for Better Health

Running can lower your risk of high blood pressure and stroke. It can also improve mental health and prevent weight gain. If you already run for exercise, consider taking the next step by taking part in a 5K, 10K or marathon.

Why It’s Hard to Quit Smoking
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Why It’s Hard to Quit Smoking

It isn’t easy to quit smoking, but millions of people have quit. You can, too. Knowing what to expect while quitting can help you succeed.

Learn to Love Winter Workouts!
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Learn to Love Winter Workouts!

From improving your health to elevating your mood, there’s a lot to love about cold-weather workouts!

Avoid the Flu at Home
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Avoid the Flu at Home

If someone in your home has the flu, take these measures to avoid getting it yourself!

Protect Yourself from the “Silent Killer”
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Protect Yourself from the “Silent Killer”

Many people who have high blood pressure don’t know they have it. Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, which kills around 2200 people in the U.S. each day.