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Health IQ Challenge: Facts for Soon-to-Be Moms

Pregnancy might seem like the perfect time to sit back and relax. But it can be a great time to get active. With your doctor’s care, the right nutrition and exercise, you can stay fit and healthy

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Spring into Wellness

Spring is here! The changing of the seasons is a great time to adopt new healthy habits or take control of health problems triggered during this time. Here are a few tips to make the season healthier

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Spring Clean Your Eating Habits

Our attention to healthy eating may lapse a bit in the winter. And a little weight gain might be hidden by those cozy—and bulky— wool sweaters. But spring is here, and all the greenery may have you craving a little dietary refresh. A few small changes in your everyday diet can mean a healthier, fitter you. Here are some tips to get you started.

How to Stay Smoke-free
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How to Stay Smoke-free

Quitting smoking is hard. It’s a process that may take time. And after you quit, it can be just as tough to stay smoke-free. Follow these steps to stay a non-smoker.

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10 Natural Ways to Sleep Better

According to the CDC*, more than one-third of U.S. adults routinely sleep fewer than six hours a night. That’s bad news! The benefits of getting enough sleep include better heart health, less stress, improved memory and weight loss.

Stopping Tobacco: Handling Weight Gain after You’ve Quit
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Stopping Tobacco: Handling Weight Gain after You’ve Quit

Many people put off quitting smoking because they’re worried about weight gain. Many smokers do gain some weight after they quit--but it’s still better to quit as soon as possible.

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Exercising When You’re Under the Weather

Is it safe to exercise when you’re sick? The answer depends on your symptoms and how sick you feel.

Quitting Tobacco: Slips Happen
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Quitting Tobacco: Slips Happen

Many smokers slip and smoke a few times while they’re quitting. If that happens to you, just know you’re not alone. And don’t use a slip as an excuse to start smoking again.

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Health Food Trends to Try in the New Year

Need a little push to follow through with those New Year’s health and fitness resolutions? The biggest health food trends of 2019 may help you reach those goals.

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Healthy Resolutions for Women

For many women, caring for their health is not easy. Family duties, work demands and lack of time and energy are roadblocks.